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Image by Matthew Osborn

Substance Abuse Self-Assessment Quiz

Are you worried you may have a substance abuse problem? Help is available. 

Take the Substance Abuse Self-Assessment and contact us today!

Substance Abuse Self-Assessment
You might lose time from work due to drinking and/or using drugs.
Your drinking and/or using drugs is making your home life unhappy.
Drinking or using drugs helps you because you are shy with other people.
Your drinking and/or using drugs has begun to affect you reputation.
Maybe you feel remorseful after drinking and/or using drugs.
You have gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking and/or using drugs.
You have begun to turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking and/or using drugs.
Your drinking and/or using drugs make you careless of your family’s welfare.
Your ambition has decreased since drinking and/or using drugs.
Maybe you crave a drink or use drugs at a definite time daily.
Have you begun to notice that you want a drink or drug the next morning?
Your drinking and/or using drugs is causing you to have difficulty in sleeping.
Your efficiency has dropped off since drinking and/or using drugs.
Drinking and/or using drugs is jeopardizing your job or business.
You have begun to escape from worries or trouble through alcohol or drugs.
You have started to drink or use drugs when you are alone.
You have had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking and/or using drugs.
Your physician has begun to treat you for drinking and/or using drugs.
You have begun to drink or use drugs to build up your self-confidence.
Maybe you have been to a hospital or treatment due to your drinking and/or using drugs.

There is a chance you have a substance abuse disorder.


An alcoholic or addict is defined as anyone whose drinking or using disrupts his or her business, family, or social life and who cannot stop, even though he or she may want to. Addiction is regarded as an illness – an obsession of the mind coupled with an “allergy” to the body. Think of addiction as a disease, like a diabetic cannot eat sugar.


You don’t have to wait to get help if you are still able to stop drinking or using. Stopping before things get even worse may prevent you from irreversible consequences that will change your life forever. Contact us today to discuss options for help.


 If you are experiencing a medical or psychological emergency, please visit your nearest emergency room,, or call 911, 988, and/or the crisis line at (800) 576-7764.

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